Educating the public about homeownership is one of our primary objectives. Helping the distressed keep their home is another.Homeownership benefits family life, children’s lives, and the community. Our counselors can help you understand your options and plan for the future in order to reach your homeownership goals.
You can learn about the many options, including the N. C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund, by calling 704-341-1010 to speak with a counselor. You can also complete the form on this page and a counselor will contact you.
Short Sale Option
A short sale is a sale of real estate in which the sale proceeds fall short of the balance owed on the property‘s mortgage. It usually occurs when a borrower cannot the mortgage payments on their property, but the lender decides that selling the property at a loss is better than pressing the borrower. Both parties consent to the short sale process, because it allows them to avoid foreclosure, which involves hefty fees for the bank and possible harsher credit report outcomes for the borrower. This arrangement does not necessarily release the borrower from the obligation to pay the remaining balance of the loan (known as the deficiency).
Understanding Mortgages
“Just Right!” You’ve been looking at houses for months and months, and you have finally found it–the house that’s just right. Now, you’re anxious to buy your new home, move in, and get settled. But you still have an important task ahead of you–getting a mortgage loan.
This article explains about dealing with mortgage lenders. It tells you where to look, what to look for, and what takes place when you apply for a mortgage. Knowing what to expect, especially if you are a first-time homebuyer, may make it easier for you to get through the process. READ MORE…
Refinancing Your Home
Should you refinance your home mortgage? That’s a question many homeowners are asking, given the mortgage rates that are currently available.
But, how do you decide if refinancing makes sense in your particular case? The answer depends on many factors, including your tax bracket,the length of time you plan to stay in your home, and the additional costs and charges you must pay for the refinancing. READ MORE…
Getting Credit: What You Need To Know
This article provides tips on shopping for credit cards, using cards carefully, and keeping your credit record clean. Also explains credit reports and credit scores, how to protect your identity, improve your credit performance, and what to do if you are a victim of identity theft. A good source of information for people learning about credit. READ MORE…
Building (or Rebuilding) Good Credit
The definition of credit, the aspects lenders consider before extending credit, 10 steps for building credit and rebuilding credit. READ MORE…
How To Dispute Errors On Credit Reports
Your credit reports give businesses a financial “snapshot” of you. Businesses buy these reports from credit bureaus and use them to make important decisions about you. Did you know that you are responsible for the accuracy of your reports?
4 out of 5 credit reports contain errors!
Inaccurate credit reports could damage one in four consumer’s ability to buy a home, rent an apartment, obtain credit, open a bank account, or even get job,” Ed Mierzwinski, PIRG consumer programs director. (Source: www.money.cnn.com/2004/06/17/pf/debt/credit_report) READ MORE…
Shop, Compare, Negotiate
Looking for the Best Mortgage? Shopping around for a home loan or mortgage will help you to get the best financing deal. A mortgage–whether it’s a home purchase, a refinancing, or a home equity loan–is a product, just like a car, so the price and terms may be negotiable. You’ll want to compare all the costs involved in obtaining a mortgage. Shopping, comparing, and negotiating may save you thousands of dollars. READ MORE…
Home Equity Credit Lines
One solution to overburdensome debt payments is debt consolidation.Using a credit line to borrow against the equity in your home has become a popular source of credit for accomplishing this. Many lenders are offering these home equity credit lines in a variety of ways. This article presents issues for your consideration before taking this big step. READ MORE…
Credit And Your Consumer Rights
This article examines the importance of a good credit rating, accurate credit reports, discrimination, debt collection rules, and credit problems. It provides suggested actions for various situations, and how to get credit reports. READ MORE…
How To Check Your Credit Reports
Critical information on how to obtain and understand your credit reports. READ MORE…
Raising Your Credit Scores
Information on how your score is calculated and 21 tips for raising your scores. READ MORE…