Consumer Issues, alliance counselingIdentity Theft: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Clear definitions and facts about identity theft along with warning signs, tips for protecting yourself, and what to do if you become a victim., alliance counselingThe Spending Plan: Simple Steps To Financial Wellness
A complete budgeting packet: important facts, clear worksheets, and simple step-by-step directions for creating a successful spending plan., alliance counseling66 Ways To Save Money
Practical ways to cut everyday costs on transportation, insurance, banking, credit, housing, utilities, food, and more., alliance counselingCredit And Divorce
Practical ways to cut everyday costs on transportation, insurance, banking, credit, housing, utilities, food, and more. Please click on a selected topic to the left for a list of documents that may be of interest to you.

Direct Educational Support
Additionally, if you would like to speak with a counselor on the phone about how you can improve your financial situation, please call toll-free, 704-341-1010.