Consumer Issues
Identity Theft: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Clear definitions and facts about identity theft along with warning signs, tips for protecting yourself, and what to do if you become a victim. | |
The Spending Plan: Simple Steps To Financial Wellness A complete budgeting packet: important facts, clear worksheets, and simple step-by-step directions for creating a successful spending plan. | |
66 Ways To Save Money Practical ways to cut everyday costs on transportation, insurance, banking, credit, housing, utilities, food, and more. | |
Credit And Divorce Practical ways to cut everyday costs on transportation, insurance, banking, credit, housing, utilities, food, and more. Please click on a selected topic to the left for a list of documents that may be of interest to you. |
Direct Educational Support
Additionally, if you would like to speak with a counselor on the phone about how you can improve your financial situation, please call toll-free, 704-341-1010.