Cash Flow Calculator |
Since cash inflows and outflows vary in amounts and intervals it can often get quite confusing in trying to figure how much we can afford to spend or save during any given month. Just because you have left over cash this month doesn’t mean it’s actually available for spending. Learn more about cash flow and debt management and get a free counseling session with an experienced and certified debt counselor by filling out the form to the right. This calculator was designed to convert all inflows and outflows into their monthly equivalents making it easier to see how much you can really afford to spend during any given month. And because your household is just as much a business as any traditional business, the various sections of the calculator have been set up in the same way most businesses would set up their cash flow worksheet. Starting at the top and working your way down, complete and calculate the cash flows for each of the six sections. Once you’ve computed the entire worksheet, including the Cash Flow Summary, you can then go back and edit your entries. Once you’re comfortable with your Cash Flow Forecast you can then click on the “Create Report” button at the bottom of the worksheet. This will create a condensed report in a new window that you can print out and refer to when creating your spending plan. |
Cash Inflows |
Example Accounts | Inflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Your Primary Job Spouse’s Primary Job Your Second Job Spouse’s Second Job Your Business Revenues Spouse’s Business Revenues Interest & Dividend Income Rental Income Cash Gifts Gambling Winnings Rummage Sale Receipts Tax Refund | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Inflow: | |
Adminstrative Outflows | Balance Forward: | |
Example Accounts | Outflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Savings Deposits Investment Deposits Office Supplies Postage Basic Phone Tax Preparation Computer Supplies Legal Expenses Misc. Payments Brokerage Fees Income Tax Payments Health Insurance Life Insurance Charitable Gifts Tools Reference Materials Classified Ads | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Adminsitrative Outflow: | |
Personnel Outflows | Balance Forward | |
Example Accounts | Outflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Groceries Vegetable Gardening School Lunches Toiletries & Grooming Hair & Make-up Medical, Dental, & Optical Medication & Prescriptions Clothing & Laundry Dry Cleaning Education Daycare Child Support Health Club Memberships Therapy | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Personnel Outflow: | |
Transportation Outflows | Balance Forward | |
Example Accounts | Outflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Gasoline Car Repairs & Maintenance Car Insurance Car Payments Lease Payments Fares and tolls Parking Licenses & Permits Fines & Tickets | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Transportation Outflow: | |
Residential Outflows | Balance Forward | |
Example Accounts | Outflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Grounds Maintenance Building Repairs & Maint. Cleaning Supplies Furniture & Fixtures Appliances Pest Control Interior Decorating Rent or Lease Payments Mortgage Payments Property Taxes Propane, Fuel Oil, & Wood Electricty Property Insurance Snow Removal Alarm Systems | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Residential Outflow: | |
Entertainment Outflows | Balance Forward | |
Example Accounts | Outflow Description | # of Pmts Per Year | Amt of Each Pmt | Monthly Amount |
Movies & Theatrical Long Distance Calls Vidio & Movie Rental Cable & Satelite Sporting Events & Activities Hobbies & Crafts Games, Arcade, and Amusement Parties & Entertaining Gifts Dining Out Nightclubs Gambling Pets & Pet Supplies Music Vacation Propery Payments Vacation & Travel | | | | |
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Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | | | | |
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Total Monthly Entertainment Outflow: | |
Summary of Inflow and Outflows |
Links | Category | Outflows | Inflows |
Instructions Inflows Administrative Personnel Transportation Residential Entertainment Totals | Monthly Inflow | | |
Monthly Administrative Outflow | | |
Monthly Personnel Outflow | | |
Monthly Transportation Outflow | | |
Monthly Residential Outflow | | |
Monthly Entertainment Outflow | | |
Total Monthly Outflows | | |
Net Cash Flow | |