Net Worth Calculator |
This calculator was designed to help you to take a “picture” of your current financial condition. Whereas an income and expense statement shows you your financial picture for a period of time (month, year, etc.), this Net Worth Calculator will show you your financial picture at a single point in time (a specific date). That way, if you compute your Net Worth now, and then again 3 months from now, you will be able to tell whether your financial picture is improving or getting worse. Learn more about net worth and debt management and get a free counseling session with an experienced and certified debt counselor by filling out the form to the right.Starting at the top and working your way down, complete the totals for each of the six sections. Once you’ve completed the entire worksheet, click on the “Create Report” button at the bottom of the worksheet. This will create a condensed report in a new window that you can print-out and compare to your other Net Worth Reports. |
Your Name
| | | Enter date to display on report
| |
| | Liabilities
Liquid Assets
| | Short-Term |
Cash (checking & savings accounts)
| | | Credit Cards
| |
Short-Term Investments
| | | Car Loan
| |
Treasury Bills
| | | Construction Liens/Notes/Balances Due
| |
Savings Certificates
| | | Loan on Life Insurance
| |
Money Market Funds
| | | Installment Loans
| |
Cash Value of Life Insurance
| | | Accrued Income Taxes
| |
| | | Other Debt
| |
Total Liquid Assets
| | | Total Short-Term Liabilities
| |
Investment Assets
| | Long-Term |
Notes Receivable
| | | Loans to Purchase Personal Assets
| |
Marketable Securities
| | | Loan to Acquire Business
| |
| | | Mortgage on Personal Residence(s)
| |
| | | Note to Business
| |
Real Estate (investment)
| | | Other
| |
Tax Incentive Investments
| | | Other
| |
Retirement Funds
| | | Other
| |
Total Investment Assets
| | | Total Long-Term Liabilities
| |
Personal Assets
| | Contingent Liabilities |
| | | Endorser
| |
Vacation Property
| | | Guarantor (SBA Loan)
| |
Art, Antiques
| | | Damage Claims
| |
| | | Taxes
| |
| | | Other
| |
| | | Other
| |
Total Personal Assets
| | | Total Contingent Liabilities
| |
Total Assets
| | | Total Liabilities
| |
Net Worth
| |