Your credit history is a key financial chapter of your life. It’s your own financial diary; it tells the story of your relationships with all your financial creditors. Don’t leave it by the wayside, and don’t be surprised when you miss out on a job or loan. Be alert. Be proactive. Understand that in this day and age, to do the things you want to do, knowing the elements of your credit report is vital.
Key Takeaways:
- The interest rate that you will qualify for when taking out a mortgage loan, has a large impact on how much money you will be spending on your mortgage over the life of the loan.
- One or two percent sounds like a very small difference, but if you consider the fact that it is one or two percent of several hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly.
- Buying a home with a low credit score will attract a higher down payment requirement, a higher interest rate, and, many times, rejection.
“The difference between all-time low-interest rates and current interest rates may not seem like much. One or two percent sounds like a very small difference, but if you consider the fact that it is one or two percent of several hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly, you might not think one or two percent is negligible anymore. That small difference can mean tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.”
Alliance Credit Counseling
8000 Corporate Center Dr Suite 114
Charlotte, NC 28226
(704-341-1010) / (704-341-1010)